
Monday, July 16, 2012

Jeremy Lin to Houston Rockets: Will Houston Embrace the Linsanity Sensation? - Bleacher Report

After a span of just 26 standout games in the NBA, Jeremy Lin has received a three-year deal worth $25 million. The final year of the contract is worth roughly $14 million, which many feel is the reason for the most shocking news of 2012's period of free agency.

The New York Knicks will allow Jeremy Lin to walk away and sign with the Houston Rockets. News that has Jeremy Lin "stunned."

At this point, there is no need for anyone to reminisce on what once was. Instead, we must look to the future at what could be in Texas. For instance, how will the Rockets and their hometown of Houston respond to the Linsanity sensation?

We as a nation have experienced a variety of phenomenons in professional athletics. From Fernandomania to the craze for Tim Tebow, individuals have long captivated the sports world. Rarely, however, does such an occurrence transpire without a polarizing effect.

Linsanity is of no isolation from the normal treatment. For as many fans that were in complete support for the Harvard graduate, there were an equal amount in relentless opposition. For that reason, it's worth considering that Jeremy Lin's move to a new city could present him with a hurdle of disapproval.

Don't forget, this is a player who spent two months in the spotlight and now has a $25 million contract. If he doesn't pan out, losing both Goran Dragic and Kyle Lowry will be placed directly upon his shoulders.

How will Jeremy Lin fare in Houston?

How will Jeremy Lin fare in Houston?

  • All-Star.

  • Average point guard.

  • Bust.

Even if he doesn't deserve the connection.

In all likelihood, Lin will overcome all of the negative possibilities and be welcomed with open arms. Houston has long been in search of a superstar and, although he has his detractors, Lin has proven capable of fitting that bill. Whether he can do so for the duration of a season has yet to be seen, but at this point, who else is available?

For those who mention Dwight Howard, don't forget that one of his greatest desires is to play alongside an elite point guard. Unless you believe a player such as Jonny Flynn to be more fitting of that moniker, be thankful to have Lin under contract.

As long as he isn't a bust by year three of his deal, Lin should have a smooth ride through Houston. If he is, however, $14 million will speak for itself.

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